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Mulberry Kids Preschool plans and carries out programs that are suited for the age level of our students.  


Adapting the High Scope Approach to learning, we encourage our students to become “Active Learners”, using their interests as our tool in teaching them concepts and skills that will equip them later on in life.  


The content of our programs are guided by the 58 key experiences in the different learning domains.  

We look at each child’s individuality through their Gross & Fine Motor Skills,

Social, Emotional, Self-Help, Language, and Cognitive Skills.  


Concepts are taught using a thematic approach that we believe is more helpful and fun for our young learners.  


The heart of our program is the PLAN-DO-REVIEW sequence in which children make choices, carry out their ideas, and reflect on what they have learned with the guidance from their teachers.  These activities promote initiative and independence among children.  

3 years old by Aug 11 - Oct 31

High Scope’s Plan-Do-Review is very much at the heart of this program, while large and small group activities become opportunities for teachers to introduce concepts, which will later provide the child with the necessary skills to cope with the challenges of higher programs.  

4 years old by Aug 11 - Oct 31


This Plan-Do-Review period will surely be a very exciting part of the day, as the kindergarten child, who now has a wider vocabulary, is just bursting with ideas on how to work towards his goals.


Developmentally appropriate tasks are taken up during large and small group periods,

which support the child’s rapidly growing intellectual and cognitive development, and provide the child the much needed opportunities for socialization and interaction with peers.  

5 yrs old by Aug 11 - Oct 31


To enhance Reading and Math skills learned in his earlier years, the Kindergarten 2 program provides the child with opportunities to "learn how to learn". A developmentally appropriate learning program was designed for the Kindergarten 2 child to meet the challenges of life in bigger schools while still giving him a lot of opportunities to play and make choices during the Plan-Do-Review time, as well as interact with his peers and his environment. 

Subjects like Reading, Language, Math, Science, and Filipino are all part of their curriculum. Assessments are scheduled 3 times a year, to check each child’s strengths and weaknesses.  A carefully planned reports and recommendations are provided to parents for common goal and guidance.

Grades 1, 2 and 3 CLASSES
6 yrs old by Aug 11 - Oct 31

To introduce Reading, Language (English and Filipino) Math, Social Studies, Core Values, Music, Arts, Physical and Health concepts. The Grade 1 School curriculum emphasizes the student’s role in the learning process. Students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, and share ideas. Students learn by doing, this allows them to build knowledge through exploration experience, and discussion.

        Assessments are scheduled 4 times a year, to check each child’s strengths and weaknesses.  Carefully planned reports and recommendations are provided to parents for common goals and guidance.

2 years old by Aug 11- Oct 31


This program is a perfect transition for your little ones, from your home to a new preschool environment. It supports your child’s natural ability guided by caring teachers to learn by exploring his surroundings, and experience the world using his senses as well as interacting with the people in his environment. 



We also offer:




We provide one-on-one tutoring program from preschool to grade school all throughout the year.  

With our highly qualified teachers, we help and guide our students with their lessons, examinations, assignments, and more importantly, teach them become independent learners.  Different techniques and strategies are utilized to adapt to the learning style of each student. 

Math, Reading, and Language Enrichment programs are also offered during summer in preparation for the 

BIG SCHOOL or the next school year.



SpEd Tutorials


An individualized learning program specifically designed to meet the needs of children with exceptionalities.  

We carefully prepare  IEP for children’s observations and recommendations.  

Our SpED teachers collaborate with Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, and Developmental Pediatrician to set goals for students’ progress. 

Monday - Friday

(8am – 5pm) 


Anchor 1


Phone: 02-86345687 or 0908-888-3936

6 San Clemente Street, Brgy. Kapitolyo, Pasig City, 1603

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